Rental Information Exhibition Hall Rental Fee Information
Exhibition Hall Rental Fee Information

Exhibition Hall Usage Fee *VAT not included
Category Area (㎡) Fee / Rate Remarks
By Location DCC 1 Hall 109 268 1,350KRW/㎡·day per day (08:00~20:00)
Hall 110 268
Hall 111 1,002
Hall 112 982
DCC 2 Hall 1 2,574
Hall 2 2,524
Hall 3 2,528
Hall 4 2,524
Discount Surcharge Rate By month January, February, July, August, December 20% Discount If multiple discount rates apply,
only the highest discount rate is applied
By Duration 30-40 days usage
41-50 days usage
51days or more usage
30% Discount
40% Discount
50% Discount
By Scale Usage of more than 3 halls 5% Discount
Usage of a single hall 20% Surcharge Applies only to DCC 1
Overtime Usage Fee For usage beyond the basic hall hours (08:00~20:00), an additional 10% of the daily rental fee is charged per extra hour.
However, the overtime fee does not exceed the daily usage rental fee

※ If less than one hall is used, a management fee based on one hall will be charged.
※ Lobby usage (640㎡) for purposes such as booth installation or exhibition use will be charged at 1,350 KRW/㎡·day
※ Overtime charges for 30 minutes to 1 hour will be considered as 1 hour

Exhibition Hall Auxiliary Facility Usage Fee (Unit : KRW, VAT excluded)
Category Unit Fee Remarks
Management Fee Deposit for Events Less Than 30 Days Management Deposit % 20% of Rental Fee Amounts before applying discount
and surcharge fees below
Restoration Fee % 10% of Rental Fee
Usage Fee % 10% of Rental Fee
For events over 30 days Management Deposit % 10% of Rental Fee
Restoration Fee % 10% of Rental Fee
Usage Fee % 10% of Rental Fee
Electricity Fee January to June, September to December KwH 149
July, August 171
Water and Sewage Fee 2,200
City Gas Fee 1,600
Compressed Air Basic Equipment Usage Fee per location 18,000
January to June, September to December Kwh 125
July to August Kwh 145
Heating/Cooling Fee January (Heating) 143 - Based on 8 hours of use per day
- Additional charges apply for usage beyond opening hours
February (Heating) 143
March (Heating) 121
April (Cooling) 160
May (Cooling) 160
June (Cooling) 160
July (Cooling) 187
August (Cooling) 209
September (Cooling) 160
October (Heating) 110
November (Heating) 110
December (Heating) 121

※ If metering is not possible, usage will be calculated based on a separate formula.